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HR 100 W/WH

Price excl. tax: €49488
Price inc. tax: €58891

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Installation in bathrooms/WC’s
Meets buildings regulations for bathrooms and WC’s
Eliminates mould
Controls condensation
70% Heat recovery



  • Air flow:
    77 m3/h
  • Voltage:
    220/240 V - 50 Hz
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  • 370378
  • 4.000 Kgs

The Vent-Axia HR100W range is designed for continuous operation providing up to 70% Heat Recovery. Effectively controlling internal relative humidity. The Vent-Axia HR100WH unit come complete with
integral humidity sensor and controls condensation and reduces mould.

Fresh pre-warmed air from the outside is continuously provided to the room with simultaneous extraction of stale, moist air.

An integral heat exchanger transfers heat from the outgoing stale air to the fresh air supply, raising the temperature of the fresh air and most importantly reducing the Relative Humidity of the supply air to the room.

  • Air flow:
    77 m3/h
  • Voltage:
    220/240 V - 50 Hz
  • Mounting:
    In the wall
hr100w_wh [PDF, 53.22 KB]